Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rules of the game

Basic explanation of what the scores mean.
The score for each film is given on a ten point scale. The scores reflect how much I like the film, and how much artistic value I feel the film has. Usually the score is a mixture of these two feelings, i.e. films that score high should appeal to my artistic taste, and therefore should be a film that I like. However there would be special cases where I like a film strongly despite it being mediocre artistically speaking, or a film that I acknowledge to be of high artistic value but just not my cup of tea. So in the end these scores are just my overall personal opinions.
The scores can be basically interpreted as follows:
8-10 Great films:
10 - Masterpiece/personal all-time favorite. A film that stands tall among all films, or is of special personal significance to me, deeming it to be the best of the best in my opinion.
9 - Excellent/personal favorite. A film that comes close to being flawless, is at the very top of its genre, or just a film that I love so much without any other reason.
8 - Great. A film that exceeds average expectations and fulfills its goal very well.
4-7 Varying degrees of mediocrity:
7 - Good. A film that basically meets expectations and doesn't have huge problems. The general enjoyable entertainment that you expect.
6 - Average. No major issues, but no highlights either. The typical mediocre film.
5 - Below average. slightly worse than average, often due to some obvious issues such as cheesy plots and over-the-top acting.
4 - Poor. A film that isn't enjoyable, contains some very cliched or low taste material. A waste of my time.
1-3 Trash to be avoided at any time. The specific score doesn't matter much at this stage. The film is just pure trash, with a score of 1 probably meaning the worst film ever (which is unlikely though, since there are so many bad films...). Typically I don't give these kind of scores, because I screen the films I watch, and the obviously bad ones are usually filtered out already. However, this doesn't mean in the future I won't stumble across bad films.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
